8 Acorns is an outdoor recreation area in Cleburne County, Alabama focused on providing accessible camping and outdoor recreation for families of disabled Veterans and others with disabilities. This includes those with mental, physical, and medical disabilities. We work with veterans and all disability areas to provide recreation and support activities for individuals and families living with disabilities and their survivors.
8 Acorns will offer camping cabins, fishing, hunting, and other continuously developing activities. We will develop educational programs for both campers and other facilities, support groups and develop accessible outdoor recreation products .
We will also be offering a hostel cabin for hikers and bicycles in close proximity to the Pinhoti trail and Hwy 281. All proceeds go to 8 Acorns to support the project.
Making Change Possible
Founded in 2023, 8 Acorns  was established on the principal that everyone should be able to enjoy the outdoors and what it has to offer.  We are a family we a love for the outdoors and want to share that love with others. Our logo represents our family tree and the dreams we build as a family while the 8 acorns represent our 8 grandchildren and the hopes for them as they grow and establish their own tree and legacies.

November 2022
Th concept of an outdoor recreation program focused on individuals with limited access to these activities has been a long time goal for our family. We have a passion for the outdoors and a love of sharing that with others. Individuals with disabilities, their families, and many veterans and their survivors are unable to participate in many of these activities due to various limitations. We continue to develop ways to help them access these activities and offer ways they can carry over many of these activities and skills in their daily lives. In November we began to work toward bringing our concept to life. As we took a leap of faith things continued to develop and make a way to bring this dream to life.
Make a Difference Today!